Saturday, July 31, 2010

Asian Games Town Gallery (15 pictures)

Located in the south of GuangZhou, the site of the Asian Games Town covers an area of 2.73 Square kilometers. It is adjacent to Lotus Mountain and Lotus Waterway, enjoying an exceptional ecological environment.
Guangzhou Asian Games Town consists of seven major parts, including the Athletes’ Village, the Technical Officials’ Village, the Media Village, the Main Media Center, the Logistics Area, the Gymnasium, and the Asian Games Park. Each of the seven parts is a respective independent and physically segregated.

The Town has direct and fast road network linking all the venue clusters and easy access to the Haipang Station of Metro Line 3. Its radial transportation system can ensure the athletes, Technical Officials and media representatives to reach most of the competition venues within 40 minutes.

Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery
Asian Games Town Gallery

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