Monday, July 12, 2010

Taiwan Athletes to Enjoy Home Advantage at Guangzhou Asian Games: Mainland Official

The mainland sports authorities will try their best to provide help and assistance so that Taiwan athletes can enjoy home advantage at the Asian Games in Guangzhou, an official said Sunday.
Song Keqin, deputy secretary general of the Chinese Olympic Committee, made the remarks at the just-ended Cross-Strait Economic, Trade and Cultural Forum in the southern city of Guangzhou, where the Asian Games will be held in November.
"The Asian Games will become another opportunity for cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation in sport after the Beijing Olympic Games," said Song.
Mainland sports associations have invited Taiwan athletes to test events prior to the Asian Games opening in Guangzhou. Mainland shooting, athletics and taekwondo coaches, among others, will go to Taiwan later this month to share their expertise, she added.
"Taiwan athletes will also enjoy greetings and applause from mainland audiences during the Asian Games, just like the Beijing Olympic Games," she said.
The Asian Games were initiated in 1951 and have been held 15 times. Beijing hosted the Games in 1990.
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