Monday, August 2, 2010

Piccio rules Women's Trans Championship

Mia Piccio is ready to represent the country in the coming Asian Games in Guangzhou, China, this November.

Piccio proved to all and sundry she’s ready to play in big international golf scene following her dominance in the 80th Women’s Trans Amateur Championship where she bagged the title.

The Filipina outclassed Agostina Parmigiani of Argentina, 3 and 2, in a classic match play held at The Country Club of Lincoln in Nebraska.

“I can’t describe how happy I am with this triumph. This is my first successful major amateur event in the US," said Piccio, who is still battling for a spot in the national team to the Asaid.

The top-seeded Piccio, who won the low amateur crown in the stroke play competition, continued her in-form shots by firing six birdies in the last nine of the 36-hole duel.

She hiked the lead to seven holes, twice, the last when she birdied the 23rd hole, then displayed grace under pressure in the last 10 holes to win.

Piccio’s victory avenged teammate Dottie Ardina’s loss to Parmigiani in the quarterfinal round. - RCJ/Adrian Flores, GMANews.TV

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