Monday, August 2, 2010

Rajopadhyaya to captain women's cricket

GUANGZHOU, CHINA - MARCH 03:    The torch for ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
 KATHMANDU, Aug 1: Cricket Association Nepal (CAN) has removed Ritu Kanaujiya and appointed Nira Rajopadhyaya as the captain of women´s national cricket team on Sunday.

CAN announced a 14-member team for the 16th Asian Games, scheduled for November 13 in Guangzhou, China. CAN has deputed three different captains for the last three international tournaments participated by the
women´s national team.

Nepal, playing under the captainship of Kanaujiya, were limited to third position in the ACC Women´s T20 Championship last year.

Kanaujiya, former captain Nery Thapa, Rubina Chhetri, Sarita Magar, Sita Rana, Binu Budha Magar and Maya Rawat are taken in the team. Likewise, Rekha Rawal, Roshani Bohara, Janaki Bhatta, Rashmi Sharma, Melina Rayamajhi and Khina Thapa are also picked in the squad.

Meanwhile, CAN has taken a decision to continue the men´s national team, selected for the ICC World Cricket League Division 4, also in the Asian Games

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