Thursday, November 18, 2010

Silver medal at Asian Games won with broken bones

wong wan yiu asian games
Pile up at the Guangzhou Velodrome during the Asian Games 2010.
Hong Kong cyclist Wong Wan-yiu was caught in an epic pile up during the women's 20 kilometer cycling points race at the Asian Games.
The cyclist was in second place when she touched the wheel of leader Liu Xin and triggered the incident. Wong suffered a broken rib and a dislocated arm after being run over by other contestants.
Three of the athletes could not carry on racing, but Wong hopped on a replacement bicycle and completed the remaining 37 laps despite her pain. The heroine got a silver medal.
Wong was determined to finish the race as this was her last chance to gain enough points to qualify for the London Olympics. She said to Apple Daily that "you have to be willing to sacrifice in order to achieve anything; it's all give and take."
wong wan yiu asian games
Receiving medical attention before hopping on a replacement bike to complete the race.
wong wan yiu asian games
Overcome with emotions during the medals presentation.
wong wan yiu asian games
Finally going to get her rib and arm fixed.

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