Thursday, October 14, 2010

120 billion yuan invested in Guangzhou Asian Games

Gz2010Image via Wikipedia
The gross investment for the upcoming 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games reached up to more than 120 billion yuan, said Wan Qingliang, mayor of Guangzhou City, on Oct. 13.

Wan said that the investment mainly covered three aspects.

The city budgeted 6.3 billion yuan for construction and maintenance of stadiums and 7.3 billion yuan as operating funds for the upcoming Asian Games and the Asian Paralympic Games.

Moreover, Guangzhou City also invested 109 billion yuan to improve the urban landscape and environment, which included the construction of subways, city roads and bridges. It also built up of infrastructure, integrated environmental management and industrial wastewater treatment and carried out a program of comprehensive environmental improvement, including air, water, transportation, living environment and comprehensive environmental barrier-free facilities.

It was reported that 70 stadiums are to be used in the Asian Games, of which 12 are newly built and 58 are renovated or expanded. Meanwhile, the Asian Games Village, covering an area of 2.73 square kilometers, was built to gather major non-competition venues, including the athletes' village, the technical officers' village, the media village and a main media centre.

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