Friday, August 6, 2010

China Southern To Add Capacity For Asian Games

China Southern Boeing 747-400F at Amsterdam Ai...Image via Wikipedia
August 4 -- China Southern Airlines (600029, 1055.HK) plans to increase the number of flights by between 800 and 900 flights to manage the influx of passengers during the Asian Games to be held in Guangzhou, reports, citing Tan Wangeng, general manger of China Southern Airlines.
Tan estimates that the Asian Games will generate 50,000 passengers for China Southern Airlines, which is one of the partners of the Asian Games. 
According to Tan, China Southern Airlines currently operates a fleet of 410 airplanes. 
The company expects to put ten or more airplanes into operation before the opening of the Guangzhou Asian Games.
Shares of China Southern Airlines rose 0.69 percent to close at 7.31 yuan today.

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