Saturday, December 11, 2010

Viet Nam bids for 18th Asian Games

Viet Nam bids for 18th Asian Games at
Eyes on the prize: Viet Nam's women's relay team are strong contenders at the Asian Games and Southeast Asian Games. Viet Nam is bidding to host the 18th Asian Games. � VNS Photo Quang Thang
Eyes on the prize: Viet Nam's women's relay team are strong contenders at the Asian Games and Southeast Asian Games. Viet Nam is bidding to host the 18th Asian Games. � VNS Photo Quang Thang
HA NOI � Viet Nam is confident it will get the go-ahead to host several major sporting events over the next 10 years. The biggest will be the 18th Asian Games (ASIAD).
Hosting the four-yearly games, the biggest in the Asian sporting calendar, brings not only prestige but also an economic boost.
The 18th edition will kick off in 2019 and will be a hotly contested affair.
The Vietnamese Government sent its application to the Olympics Council of Asia (OCA) in March. Following Malaysia's withdrawal over costs, just Hong Kong, the United Arabia Emirates, India, the Philippines, Chinese Taipei and Viet Nam are in the running. Viet Nam considers India to be the strongest contender.
"[Malaysia's withdrawal] is good news for us. Now our main rival is India � the others are unlikely to be successful," said Hoang Vinh Giang, general secretary of the Viet Nam Olympic Committee.
In India's favour is its superior infrastructure, which is a major consideration for the OCA, Giang said.
"However, Viet Nam's successful hosting of the third Asian Indoor Games in 2009 will be to our advantage. In my opinion, the stability of the political situation in the country will play a major role in the OCA's final decision," Giang said.
Giang said the biggest challenge facing Viet Nam is the huge cost involved in hosting the games.
Malaysia withdrew from the race because the government felt the nation could not afford the 1.6 billion Malaysian ringit (US$517 million) cost of hosting the games. Furthermore, that figure does not include construction costs.
However, Giang said the Government would not have allowed the committee's bid to go ahead if it had felt the nation could not afford the cost involved.
If successful, Giang said eight years would be ample time for Viet Nam to get ready for the games.
"Many difficulties await. Eight years is not a long time to get ready for the games, but our success in hosting recent tournaments and festivals has raised Viet Nam's profile.
"The Vietnamese people will be delighted if the country hosts the 18th ASIAD. For that reason, I believe if we host the 18th ASIAD it would be a great success," Giang said.
The 16th ASIAD takes place in China's Guangzhou province this November, while the 17th will be held in Incheon, South Korea, in 2014.
Viet Nam, whose strongest events are martial arts, chess, sepak takraw (rattan ball kicking) and petanque, is also hoping to host the Southeast Asian Games and the Asian Beach Games in 2016, and the Indoor Martial Arts Games two years later. � VNS

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