Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Taiwanese Cyclist Grabs Gold!!!: 蕭美玉贏得金牌!!! - video

Chinese language news sources are reporting that the Taiwanese cyclist, Hsiao Mei-yu has captured the gold medal in today's 100km road race at the Asian Games in the Chinese city of Guangzhou.

Hsiao crossed the finish line in 2:47:46, defeating Santia Tri Kusuma of Indonesia by a mere 51 hundredths of a second.

With this amazing victory Hsiao becomes the first Taiwanese female cyclist to win gold and tops her bronze medal performance in the 500m Time Trial earlier in the games. Hsiao's gold medal performance brings Taiwan's gold medal count to 10 for the games with 49 medals in all.

Here is some video of the event:

Another report following the 500m TT:

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