Saturday, November 27, 2010

Indian flavour in Asian Games closing ceremony

Indian film dances usually follow filmi songs.Image via Wikipedia
GUANGZHOU: The closing ceremony of 16th Asian Games had a pinch of Indian flavour.

The ceremony celebrated the diverse Asian cultures of India, Lebanon, Japan, Kazakhstan and Mongolia through music and dance.

At the start of the dazzling ceremony, there was a section representing the cultures of different regions of the continent. Indian singers Ravi Tripathi, who hails from Lucknow, and Tanya Gupta, from Jammu and Kashmir, performed in this section.

Gupta and her grand Bollywood troupe of locally-trained Chinese dancers performed clad in Ghagra.

The sail-shaped screen displayed images of Ganges, the holy Indian river, various temples, the iconic Taj Mahal and modern architecture.

Dancers led by Cai Yushan and Xi Chuhang performed to the singing of Tripathi and Gupta. There were also motorcycle stunts done in front of the Games Torch Tower.

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