Adeeb Mahfoudh, representing Yemen, said cheerleaders hired to entertain spectators during breaks in play had distracted him during his team's loss against Indonesia.
"They had an effect on how we played," Mahfoudh said, according to reports. "I think they had something to do with our losing the match."
Vincent Yu, AP
Cheerleaders perform during the Beach Volleyball competitions at the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou, China.
But while Mahfoudh was disappointed the cheerleaders had contributed to Yemen's exit from the tournament, he admitted their presence might bring new fans to his sport.
"These girls are very beautiful," he confessed. "With them here, more people will pay attention to beach volleyball. If I can, I hope to watch them perform at the next match."
The Chinese cheerleaders incorporated traditional elements, including martial arts and fan dancing, in their repertoire.
China's Tianfu Morning News reported that a Hong Kong official described the cheerleaders as "sexy."
The Yemeni volleyballer's comments buzzed around the Internet but also caused confusion for some news organizations.
Amid color photographs of the cheerleaders who were possibly responsible for Yemen's loss, Britain's Daily Mail newspaper incorrectly reported that Mahfoudh was female, potentially adding an extra layer of intrigue to the story.

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