Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sample tasting for Asian Games athletes cafeteria

2010-07-01, Guangzhou, June 30 - A sample tasting event was held on Wednesday for the main cafeteria of the Athletes' Village in the Guangzhou Asian Games Town.

Chen Shaokang, Deputy Secretary General of Guangzhou Municipal Government, and Liu Jiangnan, Deputy Secretary General of the Guangzhou Asian Games Organising Committee (GAGOC) and Director General of the Administration of Sports of Guangzhou Municipality, took part in the event.

GAGOC has take into account the requirements of varied target groups and set up five food service areas at the main cafeteria of the Athletes' Village, serving East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian, European and Muslim foods as well as Western "fast food" respectively.

Athletes from different parts of Asia will also have plenty of options to taste Cantonese cuisine.
The menu will be finalised in July.

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