Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Judo Athletes For Asian Youth Camp In Bangkok

KUALA LUMPUR, July 8 (Bernama) -- The Malaysia Judo Federation (MJF) will send a coach and two athletes to the Asian Judo Youth Camp under the Asian Youth Development Programme 2010 in Bangkok from July 17 to 30.

MJF executive secretary I. Mariappan said this would provide exposure and experience to the national squad who would be competing in the Taiwan International Judo Open from Aug 19 to 23.

Coach Othman Mohd Nizam and judo athletes Muhammad Ruzaini Abdul Razak and Esther Tam Shu Hui would be going to the youth camp, he told Bernama, here, today.

Mariappan said the two athletes were now undergoing training at the Bandar Penawar Sports School in Johor.

He said Malaysia would not be sending a team to the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi in October and the Asian Games in Guangzhou, China in November as judo would not be included in the Commonwealth Games while no national judo athletes qualified for the Asian Games.

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