Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Asian Games cricket stadium to have test run in August

The Guangzhou Asian Games Cricket Stadium, dubbed "the cradle of Chinese cricket", has been completed and passed the final inspection by the International Cricket Council. It will host its first game in August, announced Panyu District officials.The cricket ground is located on the campus of the Guangdong University of Technology in the Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Centre, covering an area of 46,871.3 square metres.

The area of the field is a circle with a diameter of 150 metres and is as large as three football pitches, making it the largest Asian Games venue.

The cricket ground, covering a site area of more than four hectares, has a floor area of 5,593 square metres, including permanent structures on the eastern and western sides and four spectator stands on the southern and northern sides.

Cricket will make its debut at the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou in November in the popular Twenty-20 format.


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