Thursday, June 24, 2010

Conghua Special: Conghua set to host horses

 The Liuxi River Forestry Park in Conghua.(Source: China Daily)

BEIJING, June 24 (Xinhaunet) -- The equestrian events soon to be held in Conghua during the Asian Games hosted by Guangzhou will mark an important step in the internationalization of China's equestrian sport and boost the hospitality industry in Conghua.

The equestrian court in Conghua, located in a hot spring valley, is the largest of its kind in China, according to city authorities.
During the Asian Games between Nov 12 and 27, it will accommodate dressage, jumping and cross country events.
The "specific equine disease-free zone" in Conghua has been approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and the European Union.
It allows horses from around the world to return to their countries with a set of quarantine protocols for transportation. The Conghua venue is the only one in the Chinese mainland capable of hosting international equine events.

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