Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pakistan Sports Board fails to submit entry for Asian Games

KARACHI: Pakistan’s squash faced another blow when the authorities failed to send entries for Asian Games 2014 due to the ongoing rift between two groups of sports officials.

There are currently two bodies claiming to be the legitimate Pakistan Olympic Association (POA): one is backed by Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) and the other is recognised by the International Olympic Association (IOC).

The last date for sending entries for the Asian Games was October 31, but since Pakistan Squash Federation (PSF) supports the PSB-backed POA, it did not send entries for the games, which had to be routed through the other POA, led by Lt Gen (retd) Arif Hasan.

“We are not in a position to do anything in this regard unless this issue is resolved. However, the PSB has asked us to give them entries for Asian Games, so we will do so,” said Secretary PSF Amir Nawaz when contacted.

The Asian Games 2014 are scheduled to be held in South Korea from September 19 to October 4, 2014. Pakistan’s squash players have secured seven medals in Asian Games so far.

In the 13th Asian Games held at Bangkok in 1998, Zarak Jehan won gold and Amjad Khan won silver in singles categories.

In the 14th edition of the games at Busan in 2002, Mansoor Zaman won silver and Shahid Zaman won bronze in singles categories. Mansoor Zaman won bronze medal in the 15th Asian Games held at Doha in 2006. In the 16th Asian Games held in China in 2010, Pakistan team won gold medal. Amir Atlas also won silver medal in singles category.

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