Saturday, November 2, 2013

Asian Games target for Syafiq

Syafiq Ridhwan Abdul Malek: 'There’s no bowling in the SEA Games this year but that’s okay because next year we will have a bigger objective – the Asian Games in Incheon.'
Syafiq Ridhwan Abdul Malek: 'There’s no bowling in the SEA Games this year but that’s okay because next year we will have a bigger objective – the Asian Games in Incheon.'

PETALING JAYA: National bowler Syafiq Ridhwan Abdul Malek will have to polish up his game when he competes in the Malaysian Open from Nov 15-23 at the Sunway Megalanes in Sunway Pyramid.
With no competition after the World Championships in Nevada in August – where the men’s team returned empty-handed, Syafiq has been taking it easy.

“It was not like our preparations for the World Championships where we had two training sessions a day. But nonetheless, training is as usual for us ... only the intensity is lower.
“I have not competed in any competition after the World Championships but I think my game is still there. Maybe I will be a bit slow in the Malaysian Open but I will be fine,” said the reigning World Cup champion.
Bowling will not be contested in the Myanmar SEA Games in December and that has left the national bowlers with just the Malaysian Open, the Penang Pesta International Open (Dec 7-11) and the Milo International All-Star (Dec 11-22) in Sunway to wrap up the year.
In the 2011 SEA Games in Jakarta, bowling was a goldmine for Malaysia as the national squad contributed five gold medals from the lanes.
“There’s no bowling in the SEA Games this year but that’s okay because next year we will have a bigger objective – the Asian Games in Incheon.
“The coach has set a big target for us in the Asian Games and we have to prepare as soon as we usher in the New Year,” he said. 

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