Tianjin, China, Oct. 13 (CNA) Taiwan defeated Japan in a grueling fight to become men's volleyball champions at the East Asian Games in China Sunday, winning the country's first gold in the sport in an international tournament.
The Taiwanese players won 3-2 against a country known for its volleyball prowess in an intense fight that lasted 111 minutes. Taiwan fell 20-25 in the first set but caught up with 25-21 before their Japanese opponents took the next set 21-25.
Taiwan reversed the tide 25-18 and managed to continue the momentum into the decisive final set, triumphing over Japan 15-12 to seal the victory in the northern city of Tianjin.
For Taiwan, the victory was a first for men's volleyball in an international contest and carried much significance for the development of the sport in the country. Until Sunday, Taiwan's best record was a bronze medal won at the 2001 East Asian Games.
"Winning Taiwan's first gold medal in an international event will be a great boost to the development of volleyball in Taiwan," Huang Chien-feng of Taiwan, the top scorer in the game, said. "Japan is a tough rival as their players are better in their basic defensive skills."
"We have the responsibility to rewrite the history. Winning the competition marked a milestone for Taiwan's volleyball," coach Wu Fei-hu said after the game.
"We proved we could win gold in an international event, which will be a great inspiration to athletes at home," Wu added.
(By Hsiao Pao-hsiang and Scully Hsiao)
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