Friday, January 14, 2011

Vietnamese sports set higher bars

Vietnam had the ambition to win 6-7 gold medals at the 16th Asian Games (ASIAD) but in the end managed only one, which is a step backward from the previous Games, where Vietnam bagged four gold medals.
The only gold medal belongs to young female karateka Le Bich Phuong, who said she simply hoped for a medal of any kind and only wanted to hone her skills at the ASIAD.
However, it would be unfair to conclude that Vietnam completely failed at the 2010 ASIAD given the 17 silver medals it had won.
Experts highlight the fact that Vietnam won up to five medals in athletics, including a silver medal in the 200m run event and another two for 800m and 1,500m. This was the first time Vietnam had secured medals in these disciplines in Asian Games.
Silver medallist Truong Thanh Hang said 2010 was a successful year for her. She said she had tried her best in the 800m event of the Asian tournament to prepare for the 2012 Olympics qualifying round in the UK.
Vu Thi Huong also performed well in the same event at the 2010 National Sports Festival. She finished at 23.27 seconds, which would give her a chance to win a gold medal at the ASIAD.
In 2010, Vietnam was also successful in some other disciplines. Badminton player Nguyen Tien Minh maintained his 9th position in the world rankings. Young player Vu Thu Trang won a silver medal at the Asian Junior Badminton tourney. Other prominent names included weightlifter Trinh Kinh Tuan, shooter Nguyen Minh Thanh, chess players Le Quang Liem and Nguyen Thanh Bao, and boat racer Tran Thi Sam.
Vuong Bich Thang, Head of the General Sports Department, said that based on Vietnam’s athletic achievements at the 16th ASIAD, his agency will set directions and long-term plans for future.

martial artist Le Bich Phuong

athletes V

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