An Asian Games fixture since 1990, the sport is believed to have developed its origins as early as the ninth century and is a spectacular mix of football, volleyball, baseball, badminton and gymnastics.
Teams of two or three players face each other in an arena roughly the size of a badminton court with points scored by hitting the ball into the opponent’s court, much like volleyball.
Indonesia take on South Korea in the Asian Games (Pic: AP) But, and here’s the impressive bit, players are only allowed to use their feet, knees, chest and head to hit the ball, which leads to an amazing array of spectacular moves which wouldn’t look out of place in a Jackie Chan film.
Oh, and Thailand are kings of the sport, winning 14 from 21 possible golds since it first appeared in the Games.
Teams of two or three players face each other in an arena roughly the size of a badminton court with points scored by hitting the ball into the opponent’s court, much like volleyball.

Oh, and Thailand are kings of the sport, winning 14 from 21 possible golds since it first appeared in the Games.
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