According to a new survey, more than 80 percent of local residents said they are going to live in Guangzhou for a long time.
Only 8 percent of the interviewees said they do not think Guangzhou is their permanent home.
The survey, which was conducted by the College of Journalism and Communication of the Guangzhou-based Ji'nan University, interviewed 1,100 residents in the past six months. All the interviewees had lived in the city for more than six months.
The survey found that 91.75 percent of the interviewees said the Asian Games have helped Guangzhou improve its status and reputation, while 82.75 percent said the games have also helped improve the city's culture and entertainment industries.
However, previous surveys by China Europe International Business School in 2006 and the Ipsos Group in 2007 showed that the overall happiness index of Guangzhou was the lowest among 10 major mainland cities in 2005, and Guangzhou residents' degree of satisfaction with life was the sixth lowest among seven major Chinese cities in 2007.
Zhang Lei, deputy director of the public sentiment center under the College of Journalism and Communication of Ji'nan University, was quoted by Thursday's China Daily that more residents have begun to endorse their city after they have benefited from Guangzhou's hosting of the Asian Games.
"Guangzhou's traffic facilities have been greatly improved thanks to an advanced new light railway and extended metro network," said Zhang.
As well, the quality of the city's water and air has been improved after large sums of money were invested to reduce pollution in recent years, she said.
Hu Zhaonian, a Guangzhou white-collar worker, said great changes have taken place in the city since July 2004, when Guangzhou won the bid to host the 16th Asian Games.
"Many fashionable buildings have been constructed, while many old structures have been renovated," Hu said.

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