Friday, November 26, 2010

Asian Games: Taiwan skater reveals cancer battle

GUANGZHOU, China: Taiwan's Chen Li-hsin clinched an Asian Games roller sports silver medal on Friday and then revealed he had been diagnosed with cancer on the eve of the event.

The 27-year-old, who teamed up with Weng Tzu-hsia in the pairs skating final, will now head home for surgery.

"I learned about the cancer during a medical check before the Asian Games and thanks to the Games I learned about this fact," said Chen.

"I need an operation but will have it after this event. My mum told me I should think about cancer in a positive way. I always think that I must take part in events even when my physical condition is bad.

"I will fight until the end of my life."

Chen's revelation comes a day after Japanese freestyle wrestler Hiroyuki Oda said he had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer this summer.

The feisty 22-year-old had a tumour and his thyroid gland removed.

- AFP/de

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