Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tibetan body protests hosting of Asian Games by China

Interview with the President of Tibetan Youth ...Image by SFTHQ via Flickr

 Dharamsala, Oct 26 The Tibetan Youth Congress here today said it would light a ‘Freedom Torch’ and launch a bike rally from Dharamsala to New Delhi on November 12 to protest hosting of Asian Games by China next month.
“China lacks moral right to hold such an important international sporting event which represents friendship, solidarity and promotion of peace and freedom,” TYC said in a press statement.
“So long China do not conclude the occupation of Tibet, words such as freedom, truth and peace for the Chinese government is just rhetoric…A country hosting such an important event essentially should not only represent but respect these principles,” it said.
TYC would light a ‘Freedom Torch’ and launch a bike rally from Dharamsala to New Delhi on November 12 to protest China hosting the international sporting event, the release said.

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