So pulls away
by Ed Andaya
Saturday, 23 October 2010 20:19
Standings after seven rounds:15 points — W. So12 — J. Gomez11 — D. Laylo7 — R. Antonio5 — E. Torre3 — O. BarbosaTOP seed GM Wesley So swept three more matches, including two rapid games, to pull away after the seventh round of the NCFP men’s training tournament for the 2010 Asian Games eld at the 4/F, LWUA Bldg. in Katipunan, Quezon City.
So, at 17 the country’s highest-rated player with an ELO of 2674, outwitted IM Oliver Barbosa in 52 moves of the Pirc in the fifth round late Thursday to keep the lead in this six-player, double-round tournament organized by the National Chess Federation of the Philippines (NCFP) as part of its preparations for the coming Asian Games in Guangzhou, China.
The multi-awarded campaigner from Bacoor, Cavite, who is set to compete in the SPICE (Susan Polgar Institute for Chess Excellence) tournament in Lubbock, Texas starting Oct. 28, then walloped fellow GMs John Paul Gomez and Eugene Torre in a pair of rapid matches in the sixth and seventh rounds.
With three victories in the last three rounds, So raised his score to four wins and three draws or 15 points based on the scoring system that gives three points for a win, one point for a draw and zero for a loss.
So will close out his campaign against GM Darwin Laylo in the eighth round, GM Rogelio Antonio in the ninth round and Barbosa in the 10th and final round.

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