Monday, August 2, 2010

Top 10 Restaurants frequented by white collar workers in Beijing

Cooking Lecture: Chinese - 川麻辣牛肚鴛鴦鍋 Spicy Szec...Image by panduh via Flickr
What are the most favored Beijing snacks? Which Sichuan restaurants offer featured dishes with reasonable prices? For a dinner party with your lover or your friends, which restaurants are you going to choose? These and more questions are most concerned by local white collars in Beijing who want to relax by enjoying a nice dinner after day’s work.
A recent survey shows most of the restaurants in Beijing gather in the top 10 business districts such as Jianguomenwai Avenue/Guomao, Zhongguancun, Beijing Asian Games Village and other top districts. Approxi 60% of the eaters are common consumers, averagely spending RMB 50 per dinner per person. 
Restaurants stick together around the top 10 business stricts. Below are some of the restaurants featuring the different business dsitricts:
Wangfujing: Eat with greater variety
Xidan: Eat fast
Fangzhuang: Eat for flavor
Sanlitun: Eat for fashion
Shichahai: Eat for culture
East Third Ring Road: Eat for romance
Other 4 important districts are Gongzhufen/Wanshoulu, Wudaokou, Beitaipingzhuang, and Wangjing. Restaurants in the top 10 business stricts account for approxi 50 % of all the restaurants in Beijing. 
Most consumers are “affordable type”, which constitute a large consumer group. They choose a restaurant standard in a simple way, as long as the environment is clean and tidy, dishes are tasteful and can be affordable. Data shows that in 67% of the restaurants, people consume around RMB 50 per person.
Favorite cuisine is mainly Chinese food categories, such as the Beijing cuisine, Sichuan cuisine and hot pot. Meanwhile, the Western and Japanese and Korean cuisine have become more and more everyday consumer choices.
Dinner for gathering and networking, peope prefer Sichuan restaurants and the hot pots.
Dinner for a two-person world, couples usually choose a good environment and a unique restaurant, less sensitive to price.
Dinner for business dinner, peole prefer a roast duck restaurant and a restaurant featuring mostly Chinese food. 
White-collar workers like the online “Food Guide”. People select a restaurant based on its varity, taste, environment and service. They are keen on surfing on the internet to find a suitable restaurant. Compared to the traditional word of mouth spread, the emerging network spreads much faster and wider than word of mouth. Internet users on the discussion of restaurants or cuisine will inspire other users try to participate in the discussion. Good restaurants get favored by netizens easily.

Top 10 Restaurants in Beijing
1. Spicy Temptation Juntai Restaurant (麻辣诱惑君太店)
2. Haidilao Hot-pot Peony Garden Restaurant (海底捞火锅牡丹园店)
3. Fishland Zhichun Restaurant (沸腾鱼乡知春路店)
4. Xidan Barbecued Chicken Wings Restaurant (西单翅酷西单店)
5. Sichuan Office Restaurant (川办餐厅)
6. Haidilao Hot-pot Da Hui Temple Restaurant (海底捞火锅大慧寺店)
7. Yuxin Sichuan Restaurant  Xidan Scitech (渝信川菜西单赛特店)
8. Golden Jaguar Wangfujing (金钱豹国际美食百汇王府井店)

9. Wong Kee Huang Sanzemenguo Guijie Restaurant (黄记煌三汁焖锅簋街店)
10. Haidilao Hotpot Restaurant Jinsong (海底捞火锅劲松店)

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