Saturday, August 7, 2010

Taiwan hopeful of Asian Games gold in Go

Taipei, Aug. 5 (CNA) The captain of Taiwan's Go team that will compete in the 2010 Asian Games said Thursday that the country's mixed doubles teams stand a great chance of winning a gold medal in the competition.

"Red-faced King of Go" Chou Chun-hsun, will be paired with Hei Chia-chia, while Chang Hsu will be teamed with Hsieh Yi-min in the mixed doubles category of the contest. Japan-based Chang and Hsieh have both returned home to prepare for the games.

The dream team, under the guidance of head coach H.F. Lin, has been training in Taipei since last December and the players are making every effort to ensure victory, Chou added.

Go, or weiqei, will be on the roster of the Asian Games for the first time this year, and China, Japan and South Korea, as well as Taiwan, are fielding

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