Wednesday, July 28, 2010

POC to pick RP’s lineup for Asian Games

MANILA, Philippines -- The Philippine Sports Commission is leaving it all to the Philippine Olympic Committee to decide who goes to the Asian Games in November based on its P30 million budget for the Nov. 12-27 competition in Guangzhou, China.
“The PSC has no say on the selection of the athletes. We just finance the Games as we see fit,” said PSC chair Richie Garcia after attending the POC general assembly on Wednesday.
The country sent 233 athletes, who won four golds overall, in the 2006 Doha Asiad.
The POC earlier hinted at sending about 300 this time with the inclusion of the dragon boat teams and the possible qualification of women’s softball and women’s basketball.
“We still have to meet with the POC as to the number of athletes who will go to the Games,” said Garcia, adding that funds for the Asiad campaign from the Department of Budget and Management have become available.
Meanwhile, Garcia said he would sit down with his board to choose the three commissioners to represent the government agency in the proposed POC-PSC permanent secretariat eyed to handle all preparations for future international campaigns.
“Rather than form a task force for every event, there is a proposal to create a permanent committee composed of three officials each from the POC and the PSC,” added Garcia.
“It’s better because we can continue the meetings, develop experience and be used to the mechanics and requirements involved.”
The PSC chief said he would not sit in the committee but would instead go “in and out” as needed.
The uniforms for the Asiad, according to Joseph, will be sponsored by 361, which also outfitted Team Philippines in the Laos Southeast Asian Games.

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