Monday, July 26, 2010

Pakistan to undergo training in Holland in Games lead-up

LAHOREPakistan hockey team will undergo 20-day training camp in Holland from September for its build up to the Commonwealth and Asian Games.

“The team will undergo extensive training under the supervision of specialized foreign coaches to give final touches to its preparations for the two elite events,” said Secretary Pakistan Hockey Federation, Muhammad Asif Bajwa while talking to APP here on Monday.

The Commonwealth Games will be held in October in India followed by Asian Games in November in China.

Bajwa said it is not just a training camp as the team will be playing practice matches against GermanyBelgium and Poland.

“We will play two matches each against Germany and Belgium and similar number of games against two top Dutch clubs,” he added.

He said the prime objective of this camp is to prepare the team in all aspects of the game for these two events which are quite challenging and tough.

The squad will start its preparations for Commonwealth Games by attending a camp at Abbottabad from August 12 to 26 under the watchful eyes of Dutch coach Michel Van Den Heuvel. They will then proceed to Holland for the final phase of it preparations.

“The cooler atmosphere of hill station Abbottabad will help in avoiding the scorching heat and humid conditions in Lahore and Karachi and players can work out longer,” he said.

Bajwa expressed the optimism that such level of training will help the players to maintain a good level of fitness and form to achieve desired results in the Games.

“I dont want to make tall claims but I am confident of team’s fine show in Commonwealth Games,” he said.

The PHF official also revealed that all players in Pakistan’s national squad have been barred from taking part in any national level tournament till the Asian Games and the step has been taken to avoid the factor of fatigue.

He said after returning from India the team will have a week long rest before resuming its preparations for Asian Games at a camp to be organised in Lahore.

He also said the ongoing process of infusing fresh blood in the team aims at blending experience with youth so that junior players may learn from senior players to produce good results at the Asian Games.

“Junior players are showing their potential and the way they have performed in recent tour of Europe indicates a bright future for them,” he said. -APP

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