Thursday, July 1, 2010

CNTV to recruit online presenters for Asian Games

Beijing, June 28 - China Network Television (CNTV) launched a contest to recruit website video presenters for the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games in Beijing on Monday. Gu Shiyang, Deputy Secretary General of the Guangzhou Asian Games Organising Committee (GAGOC) and Guangzhou Municipal Government, attended the launch ceremony.
Representatives of GAGOC and CNTV take part in the launch ceremony of the Asian Games Online Presenters Selection Contest in Beijing on June 28.
Selected contestants will receive professional sports presentation training and be signed as CNTV presenters who will be included in CNYV's Asian Games reporting team.
CNTV ( is China's national Internet TV station offering programmes on news, sports and entertainment as well as an online community network and video-on-demand services. It is an official platform for the coverage of the Guangzhou Asian Games.

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