Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Super Junior’s Hankyung releases 2010 Asian Games song with Bibi

Remember Hankyung, you know, the Super Junior member who filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment last December? I ask because no one’s really heard much from him, but no worries! Hankyung is singing a new tune this summer along with Chinese singer, Bibi.
At one point, Super Junior’s Hankyung mentioned that he wanted to focus on acting, but he hasn’t abandoned singing just yet. Here he is along with Zhou BiChang - or Bibi - singing “Having Me as Luck”, the official song for the 2010 Asian Games. Oh man, why is it a slow song? I don’t need our Ningin ELFs bawling up in this joint!

I’m glad to see Hankyung back in action and good luck to him in the future!

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