Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sports Ministry undecided, Asian Games bid in jeopardy

New Delhi, Jun 29 With just 24 hours to go and the Sports Ministry yet to grant approval, India's bid for the 2019 Asian Games now looks in jeopardy.

The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) had written to the Sports Ministry, seeking permission to bid for the Games but with just one day to go, the Ministry has not made up its mind yet.

"We have not decided anything yet," a Ministry official told PTI.

An exasperated IOA official lashed out at the Ministry for its attitude and said, "This is preposterous. We sought the Ministry's permission to bid for the event and they are still sitting on it knowing fully well that tomorrow is the deadline.

"We have not asked for any money, just sought their approval but they have not bothered to respond yet," he said. - (Agencies)
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