Wednesday, June 30, 2010

17 Athletes Book Tickets To Guangzhou Asian Paralympic Games

KUALA LUMPUR, June 28 (Bernama) -- Seventeen athletes have qualified for the Guangzhou Asian Paralympic Games in China from Dec 12-19.

National Sports Council (NSC) paralympic director Mohd Safrushahar Yusoff said more athletes would be picked once all the trials were completed by September.

"Our objective is to improve the athletes' world ranking for the Asian Paralympic Games and the 2010 and 2011 world paralympic championships," he told Bernama here Monday.

Performance at the Asian Paralympic Games would also determine qualification for the 2012 World Paralympic Games in London.

Safrushahar said 11 powerlifting athletes who had qualified would compete in the International Paralympic Council Championship at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa here on July 25-31.

"Six athletes will represent Malaysia at the IPC World Track Championship in New Zealand in January next year," he added.

Sixty-four elite paralympic athletes in athletics, swimming, powerlifting and archery are training fulltime at NSC.

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